Where Is Botox Injected?

Where is Botox injected? The better question to ask may actually be “where can’t Botox be injected?” Neurotoxins like Jeuveau, Dysport, and Botox are indicated for cosmetic use in the frontalis, glabella, and crow’s feet, but are utilized every day in cosmetics to create various smoothing, balancing, and lifting effects across the face and neck. In this blog, I’ll cover the most common areas where neurotoxin is used in aesthetics, although these areas are just the tip of the iceberg!

Botox Injections for the Forehead and Eyebrows

Starting from the top (literally), the frontalis is the only muscle of the forehead that works to elevate the brows. The frontalis may be treated to quiet horizontal dynamic lines of the forehead, and over time, soften etched-in static wrinkles. As with all neurotoxin placement, your injector should assess the muscle activity of your frontalis and surrounding muscles while considering your unique facial characteristics and needs to determine the best dose and placement of neurotoxin.

The glabella, a group of muscles that includes the eyebrow muscles called the corrugators and procerus, work together to create expressions of anger, confusion, inquisitiveness, and concern…and, depending on our moods, the frown (*insert womp-womp sound effect here*). This group of muscles is injected in a way to soften the downward pull of these muscles, lessening a frown and decreasing the “11” lines. Other areas that can be treated to soften lines on the midface are the nasalis (“bunny lines”) and “jelly roll” (lower eyelid skin). Your injector must assess these areas properly, as not all patients are great candidates for these injection sites.

What About the Eyes?

On the opposite end of the emotional mimetic muscle spectrum lies the crow’s feet, or smile lines, which form at the corners of the eyes. These lines are seen when grinning or squinting from bright light and become etched in over time due to sun exposure, repeated use, and natural aging processes. Muscle movement is created by the orbicularis oculi, the muscles that allow our eyes to be protected and shut tight. This sphincter muscle contracts and neurotoxin placement around the eyes is skillfully used to create the appearance of an elevated brow and brighter, less tired appearing eye. Smoking, inadequate sunscreen use, and lack of sun protection worsen wrinkles and destroy collagen, so do your body a favor and protect it from future damage!

Where Else Can Botox be Injected?

Moving down the face, other common sites where Botox is injected are the mentalis (chin) and depressor anguli oris muscles (DAOs). As we age, the face loses bone and fat. At the chin, this loss of volume creates a pebbled appearance across the mentalis which may be softened with neurotoxin. The DAO muscles are friends with the corrugators and help us appear mad or angry by turning down the lower lip to create a frown. The DAOs can be treated to lessen the downward pull of the corners of the mouth, and can even be combined with treatment along the jawline and neck to create a more defined neck and jaw. Your injector should use caution when injecting these areas to avoid the inadvertent spread of neurotoxin into the DLI (depressor labii inferioris) muscles, which, if accidentally treated, will cause a crooked bottom lip and uneven smile.

Schedule online or call 512-327-2227. We’ll figure out which treatments are best for you, and discuss how to soften lines, create facial harmony, and improve the overall appearance and health of your skin.

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