Facials & Chemical Peels

Deep Pore Cleansing Facial

With the barrage of internal and external environmental factors attacking us, acne-prone skin faces a constant battle. This purifying facial eliminates impurities, boosts skin health, and improves your ability to fight back.


We treat your skin to a thorough pore cleansing, toning, enzyme exfoliation, extraction of impurities, and a treatment mask.

Recommended Schedule

We recommend treatment once a month or until acne has cleared.


You should discontinue use of Retin-A topicals five to seven days prior to treatment.


Products available in our shop for: Pore sizeacnesun protection.

Custom Facial

Now you can refresh the surface of your skin and stimulate the collagen underneath with one refreshing treatment.


Your aesthetician starts with a mild microdermabrasion to exfoliate the surface and stimulate cell renewal. She follows with a customized chemical peel to leave your skin clean, polished, and glowing.

Recommended Schedule

A maintenance treatment once a month is recommended.


The dual resurfacing facial is recommended for all skin types. You should discontinue use of Retin-A topicals five to seven days prior to treatment.


DiamondGlow® is more than a facial. Unlike traditional wet facial treatments, which rely on chemical exfoliation to treat skin at surface level, DiamondGlow’s patented recessed diamond tip wand delivers a next-level resurfacing treatment that deeply cleans and rejuvenates the skin. It exfoliates with a crystal diamond tip, to uncover renewed skin. This deeply cleanses the skin, removes debris from pores, and infuses with a light serum.


The usual treatment consists of exfoliating, extracting, and infusing the skin with the machine for an hour. Manual extractions, customized masks for polishing, and a cleanser with sunscreen are included.

Recommended Schedule

DiamondGlow requires no anesthetic or recovery time. It takes approximately one hour.


There are no precautions for DiamondGlow.

Chemical Peels

When the effects of sun damage, aging, acne, or blotchy pigmentation show up on your skin, the right peel can work wonders. Schedule a consultation with an aesthetician to determine the best peel for your condition.

With this superficial peel, alpha-hydroxy acid causes skin cells to be released and shed from the surface of the skin. Glycolic Peels can be performed as often as once per week, depending on the strength of acid used.

A unique formulation of mild acids provides a slightly deeper peel at less frequent intervals. A series of three to six Vitalize Peels is recommended at three-week intervals.

Trichloracetic acid, a time-honored peeling agent, is used to peel the skin more deeply. Because close monitoring is necessary, this peel is offered only in medical spas.

Combining glycolic and trichloracetic acids in a layering technique achieves an even greater depth of peeling. This process can be used on all parts of the body.

A blend of salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol. Resorcinol allows acids to penetrate evenly and deeper for better results. This peel is great for controlling and reducing acne and can also be beneficial in removing sun damage and decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

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