Conditions and Treatment

Our skin typically begins to lose its youthful, fresh glow in the mid-thirties and forties. At SkinCare Austin, we perform Broad Spectrum Light therapy to create firmer, younger-looking skin in a series of quick, painless, non-invasive treatments. This specialized process has been proven to stop the skin from aging.
What is Broad Spectrum Light?
Also known as a photofacial, a quick energy-based treatment utilizing specialized filters & light to penetrate deep into the skin layers. Photorejuvenation produced by this treatment causes collagen and blood vessels beneath the epidermis (outer layer of skin) to constrict. This reduces redness and age lines and helps minimize the signs of aging.
What Is a Broad Spectrum Light Treatment Like?
You will be provided with protective eyewear before treatment to protect your eyes from bright flashes of light. A cool gel may be applied to the treatment area to help cool the epidermis and to lubricate the handpiece used in performing the procedure. Our facial rejuvenation expert will apply brief pulses of light to the skin in a procedure that can take from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the extent of treatment needed in your case.
Most patients experience very little discomfort during the procedure. You will feel a warm sensation and may feel a light “snap” with the pulses of light. Ice may be applied to soothe the skin following treatment.
Pre-Care Instructions
- Do not tan and discontinue self-tanners.
If you choose to tan, do not tan three weeks before your IPL treatment. Discontinue self-tanners at least one week before treatment.
- Discontinue aspirin two weeks before treatment.
Unless you have a medical condition that necessitates aspirin therapy.
- Discontinue all topical retinoids three days before treatment.
This includes tretinoin, adapalene, trifarotene, and tazarotene. You may resume these products the day after treatment.
- Take an antiviral oral medication if you have a history of fever blisters.
This is to decrease the risk of an outbreak. Please let our staff know if you need a prescription.
- Arrive 30 minutes early with a clean, makeup free face.
This is for the application of topical numbing cream prior to treatment.
Post-Care Instructions
- Do not be alarmed if you experience mild redness or swelling. This usually resolves within 12-24 hours and can be reduced by applying cold packs.
- Transient worsening of brown spots can occur. The pigment may look stippled and dark, but this will clear spontaneously in 5-10 days.
- Avoid chemical peels, excessive heat, and mechanical trauma to the treatment area for 5 days.
- Use sunscreen SPF 30+ daily. Do not use self-tanners for 3 weeks after treatment. Do not tan.
- Makeup can be applied immediately after treatment.
- Cleanse treated areas with gentle, non-irritating cleansers.